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Inhalers Types & Techniques

Writer's picture: Matthew GaleaMatthew Galea

Updated: May 4, 2023

This post is only educational,kindly refer to your physician for personalised advice.

In this day and age your doctor may prescribe you a variety of inhaled medications that help patients with respiratory problems.

Your respiratory physician may prescribe you a variety or combination of inhaled medications. Each inhaler has a particular use and function within your body. Such as;

-Short acting Beta-antagonist (SABA) - these medications act as bronchodilators; widening the airway and in turn help to reduce shortness of breath. These medications generally work within 15 minutes . Always adhere to how your physician orders you to take the inhaler. Some cases may require the inhaler to be used only if needed or before any exercise.(Example: Salbutamol®)

-Short acting muscarinic antagonists (SAMA)(formerly known as anticholinergics) -these medications also start working about 15minutes after administration. They are also classified as bronchodilator (airway widening)but work differently than the SABA.(Example: Atrovent® (ipratropium bromide )

-Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS)-Steroids and similar anti-inflammatory medications work through reducing inflammation, swelling, and mucus creation in the airway of a patient with respiratory conditions. As a result, the airways are less inflamed and less likely to react to triggers(e.g dust, pollen and smoke),allowing people with symptoms of respiratory conditions to have better control over their condition. Corticosteroids such as beclomethasone®, budesonide®, ciclesonide®, flunisolide®, and fluticasone®.

-Long acting Beta-antagonist (LABA) - these Long-acting beta-agonists (LABAs, more specifically, are usually prescribed for moderate-to-severe persistent asthma patients or patients with COPD. They are designed to reduce the need for shorter-acting beta- agonists such as salbutamol , as they have a duration of action of approximately 12 hours in comparison with the 4-to-6-hour duration of salbutamol.

(Example: Salmeterol & Foromoterol)

-Long acting muscaranic agent(LAMA) -these Long acting agents result in bronchodilation(airway widening) with a duration of action of 12 to 24 hours, depending on the agent. A number of LAMAs are available here in Malta and we suggest speaking to your physician to find the best for you. Examples : glycopyrronium (Seebri®), tiotropium (Spiriva®),umeclidinium (Incruse®)

Technique :Using an Inhaler with spacer 

Multi Dose Inhaler (MDIs) have three parts:


-Mouthpiece cap

-Medicine canister

Incorrect inhaler use reduces medication delivery to the lungs. Spacers assist in drug administration. Inhaled medication goes into the spacer tube. Using a spacer saves medicine compared to mouth-spraying, and is more effective.

Spacers come in various sizes. Ask your provider which spacer to use. Kids can utilize a spacer too. Dry-powder inhalers don't need spacers.

How to use a spacer is explained here.


-Prime the inhaler if you haven't used it recently. Follow the inhaler's directions.

-Remove inhaler and spacer caps.

-Before each usage, shake the inhaler 15 times.

-Inhaler is attached to the spacer.

-Gently exhale to empty lungs; as much air as possible.

-Close your lips tightly around the spacer.

-Roll shoulder back and pull your chin up.

-Breathe deeply and slowly through your Mouth.

-Spray Inhaler one puff into the spacer.

-Slowly inhale a deep breath into your belly.If you can't take one huge breathe to clear your spacer take several deep breaths (i.e tidal breathing).

-Hold your Breath for atleast 6-10 seconds.

-Remove your spacer from your mouth.

-Count to 10 while holding your breath. This enables the inhaled medication to reach your lungs.

-Pucker(whistling form) your lips and exhale slowly.

-Wait 1 minute between puffs of inhaled beta-agonists. Other drugs don't require a one-minute delay and one can repeat these steps for the 2nd puff dose again.

-Recap inhaler and spacer.

-Gargle and spit after using your inhaler. Don't drink it. This reduces medication negative effects.

Inhaler hygiene

Check the inhaler's spray hole. If you see powder, clean your inhaler. Remove the metal canister from the plastic L-mouthpiece. Warm water ONLY for mouthpiece and cap. Dry overnight. In the morning, return the container indoors and cap it. NO OTHER PARTS should be cleaned with water.

Inhaler replacement

Inhalers usually have counters. Replace the inhaler before it's empty.DO NOT put your empty canister in water, and kindly dispose of adequately.

Inhaler storage

Room-temperature storage is recommended. Too cold may hinder performance. The drug is pressurized. Don't overheat or puncture it. 

For spacer care :check here. <Spacer Care>


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