This post is for educational only. You are kindly asked to consult to your physician or physiotherapist for personalised advice.
What is the one thing a person cannot live without for more than a couple on seconds , without coming back gasping for it ? Air through breathing. Since your first day to your last one, breathing is one of the most important processed which allows us to maintain gaseous exchange without us being consciously aware of it . Though it shouldn't be like so, in the following article on breath work, we are going to embark on a journey so that you become more aware of breathing and how it makes one feel as a result.
So as to help you feel more grateful for this miracle called ; breathing.
The function of Breathing. Lungs can only expand when the thoracic cavity is enlarged. Humans, like other mammals, do this by contracting the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles, which force the rib cage upwards and outwards. Exhaling happens when the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm relax , decreasing the the size of the thoracic cavity ; thus letting the lungs to
push out any air then to the environment.
Carrying out Diaphragmatic breathing
Follow the instructions provided below for your to carry out these exercises successfully:
-Find a comfortable position; laying down or sitting comfortably are both recommended. If
you are in a comfortable position, you can also perform this exercise whilst
in standing.
-Lower your gaze, close your eyes, and take a relaxed, comfortable position.
-Roll your shoulders back softly, which should help to widen your chest.
-Be mindful of the time you are spending on your body and express gratitude for it. Bring your thoughts to peace, calm, balance, ease, and stillness.
Bring your attention back to being peaceful, balanced, easy, motionless, and at peace if your mind starts to stray from these ideas.
-Now pay attention to your breathing pattern. Don't force yourself to breathe just yet; instead, focus on how your chest and belly expand during during inspiration and then relax
-Now that you are conscious of your breathing, take a deep inhale into your abdomen through your nose. You should feel your abdomen expand and fill with air .Next, allow your draw your abdomen to relax and inward to exhale, with the air moving out. Do this through pursed lips . This is called Diaphragmatic breathing .
-When carrying out this exercise try feel a sense of positive energy,
oxygen flowing through your lungs, and energy running through life
your body with each inhalation, and that bad energy—fear, worry, and stress being
drawn away whilst you exhale.
The video above describes how one can do diaphragmatic breathing ,the only addition I would add is exhaling with pursed lips. On the other hand the Graphic( GIF) on the right can be a useful tool to help one relax and stay at ease through breathing. As feelings are directly impacted by breathing! The earliest indicators of a respiratory problem leading to a decline in oxygen levels could be feelings of rage, hopelessness, and confusion. So it's crucial to maintain your composure and, if necessary, engage in breathing exercises. Deep and rapid breathing can also improve your focus; by activating the sympathetic nervous system .Whilst slow deep breathes with longer exhales tend to activate the parasympathetic breathing system ;which act as a brake calming you down .
